Featured Professional
“As soon as I first learned about Slinger Bag, I have wanted to get involved in the company. Not only would it have been a great tool to have during my playing days, but it has been so easy to implement into my current coaching.”

Featured Professional
“I love hitting with my Slinger Bag and think that it has something to offer tennis players of all skill levels. It also opens up tennis as a fun way to get in a workout without the need for a playing partner or coach.”

Featured Professional
"Slinger is an awesome training partner for tennis players around the world as it gives players the opportunity to hit quality balls more often wherever they are, whenever they want."

Featured Professional
"The Slinger Bag is revolutionary in its design, allowing players to no longer have to rely on finding a hitting mate. It sets up in seconds and you can stay on the court with it for hours on one charge. I have personally been training with the Slinger Bag and found it to be an essential piece of my overall training routine. I hope to share the benefits of Slinger's portable and affordable bag with all tennis enthusiasts out there who are looking to improve their performance."

Featured Professional
“The Slinger Bag is the tool I wish I had as a young player and as a young coach. I finally have it as a professional coach.”

Featured Professional

Featured Professional
"I see so much potential for Slinger Bag to get people interested in tennis and coming back to the court more frequently, which is what our sport needs. As a coach, the Slinger Bag immediately frees me up to do my job better, as I don’t need to be feeding from across the court at a distance.”